Optimizing costs and quality with computer-assisted translation

Computer-assisted translation (CAT)

Thanks to technological advancements, translators can now work more quickly and more accurately than ever before. This is thanks in no small part to computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools. Unlike machine translation, CAT tools don’t replace a human professional.

CAT tools assist translators in many ways, for example:

  • Suggesting terms or phrases from previously translated texts. However, it’s ultimately up to the professional to decide what term to use.
  • Creating glossaries to ensure consistency across your business that’s in line with your brand image.
  • Pointing out grammar, syntax and spelling errors to avoid typos.

Why does Milega use CAT tools?

The more efficiently a translator can work, the more the customer benefits:

  • You can make significant savings since repetitions are not charged.
  • Our translation service supports all formats, including XML, HTML and PO. We can even maintain original code and tags.
  • We can deliver translated content quickly.
  • The document checks carried out using CAT tools guarantee impeccable results.

Discover what Milega’s CAT tools can do for you and your business!

If you want to cut translation costs and boost content quality, get in touch!