CroisiEurope has specialized in river cruises since its founding in 1976. A family business based in Strasbourg, CroisiEurope offers new river cruises each year, with maritime and coastal cruises since 2007 and, since 2013, cruises through the canals of France.

Translation of the CroisiEurope cruises site – Milega Translation Agency

Translating the CroisiEurope website

CroisiEurope has entrusted us with the translation of its website into common Spanish as of 2017, and this client continues to regularly send us new content to translate.

The CroisiEurope project mainly focuses on the translation of their programmes for travelers – meaning itineraries, the description of destinations and the detail of daily activities, but also the technical records of the boats, the description of the excursions and the newsletter.

The translations are generally quite urgent and must be delivered within under a week.

CroisiEurope Logo - E-tourism website

Technology at the service of a faster and more economic translation

High volume e-commerce and e-tourism websites very often present a higher percentage of repeated content (similar product pages, identical activities for different destinations…).

This is the case for CroisiEurope, which has been able to make significant savings choosing Milega, given that we do not charge for repetitions.

In fact, our team of translators use translation software and technological tools such as translation memories that enable the registration of translated content as so to reuse it each time an identical fragment is encountered. This allows for the acceleration and optimization of the translation process not only within the same project, but equally throughout the collaboration, given that translations can be reused and the terminology harmonized.

A collaboration that lasts

CroisiEurope expects to completely renew its website and entrusts Milega with the translation of its CMS, as well as updating its content into Spanish throughout the year, proving the satisfaction of the client concerning the services received.

What the client said

Speed, effectiveness and quality have been in place from the very start of our collaboration. Contact is pleasant and regular. I have never had to report a late delivery – rather the contrary, frequently it so happens that I receive the translations before the requested deadline. Our team in Madrid has been able to reread the content of certain translations and thus make some recommendations with regards to terminological preferences, that Milega has respected without any concern ever since. The rates practised are exceptional for the translation environment, without any negative impact on the quality of the product delivered. I can only recommend this company.
Eléonore Lovillo, CroisiEurope

Need an e-tourism website translation?